import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import harbour.file.browser.FileModel 1.0 import "functions.js" as Functions import "../components" Page { id: page allowedOrientations: Orientation.All property string dir: "/" property string initialDir: "" property bool initial: false // this is set to true if the page is initial page property int _selectedMenu: 0 FileModel { id: fileModel dir: page.dir // page.status does not exactly work - root folder seems to be active always?? active: page.status === PageStatus.Active } SilicaListView { id: fileList anchors.fill: parent model: fileModel VerticalScrollDecorator { flickable: fileList } PullDownMenu { id: pullMenu; onActiveChanged: { switch (_selectedMenu) { case 1: Functions.cancel() break; case 2: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SearchPage.qml"), { dir: page.dir }); break; case 3: fileModel.showAll = true menuShowAll.visible = false menuShowFiltered.visible = true break; case 4: fileModel.showAll = false menuShowFiltered.visible = false menuShowAll.visible = true break; } _selectedMenu = 0 } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Cancel") onClicked: _selectedMenu = 1 } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Search") onClicked: _selectedMenu = 2 } MenuItem { id: menuShowAll visible: !fileModel.showAll text: qsTr("Show all files") onClicked: _selectedMenu = 3 } MenuItem { id: menuShowFiltered visible: fileModel.showAll text: qsTr("Show only ") + engine.extensionFilter + qsTr(" files") onClicked: _selectedMenu = 4 } } header: PageHeader { title: Functions.formatPathForTitle(page.dir) + " " + Functions.unicodeBlackDownPointingTriangle() MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked:; } } delegate: ListItem { id: fileItem menu: contextMenu width: ListView.view.width contentHeight: listLabel.height+listSize.height + 13 Image { id: listIcon anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge anchors.topMargin: 11 source: "../images/small-"+fileIcon+".png" } Label { id: listLabel anchors.left: listIcon.right anchors.leftMargin: 10 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.paddingLarge anchors.topMargin: 5 text: filename elide: Text.ElideRight } Label { id: listSize anchors.left: listIcon.right anchors.leftMargin: 10 listLabel.bottom text: !(isLink && isDir) ? size : Functions.unicodeArrow()+" "+symLinkTarget color: Theme.secondaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall } Label { visible: !(isLink && isDir) listLabel.bottom anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: filekind+permissions color: Theme.secondaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall } Label { visible: !(isLink && isDir) listLabel.bottom anchors.right: listLabel.right text: modified color: Theme.secondaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall } onClicked: { if (model.isDir) { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("DirectoryPage.qml"), { dir: fileModel.appendPath(listLabel.text) }); } else { Functions.cancel() Functions.fileSelect(fileModel.appendPath(listLabel.text)) //pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("FilePage.qml"), // { file: fileModel.appendPath(listLabel.text) }); } } // delete file after remorse time ListView.onRemove: animateRemoval(fileItem) function deleteFile(deleteFilename) { remorseAction(qsTr("Deleting"), function() { progressPanel.showText(qsTr("Deleting")); engine.deleteFiles([ deleteFilename ]); }, 5000) } // context menu is activated with long press Component { id: contextMenu ContextMenu { MenuItem { visible: true text: qsTr("Properties") onClicked: { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("FilePage.qml"), { file: fileModel.fileNameAt(index) }); } } } } } // text if no files or error message Text { width: parent.width anchors.leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge anchors.rightMargin: Theme.paddingLarge horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter y: -fileList.contentY + 100 visible: fileModel.fileCount === 0 || fileModel.errorMessage !== "" text: fileModel.errorMessage !== "" ? fileModel.errorMessage : (fileModel.showAll ? qsTr("No files") : qsTr("No key files")) color: Theme.highlightColor } } // update cover onStatusChanged: { if (status === PageStatus.Activating) { // go to Home on startup if (page.initial) { page.initial = false; Functions.goToInitial(dir); } } } DirPopup { id: dirPopup anchors.fill: parent menuTop: 100 } // connect signals from engine to panels Connections { target: engine onProgressChanged: progressPanel.text = engine.progressFilename onWorkerDone: progressPanel.hide() onWorkerErrorOccurred: { // the error signal goes to all pages in pagestack, show it only in the active one if ( { progressPanel.hide(); if (message === "Unknown error") filename = qsTr("Trying to move between phone and SD Card? It doesn't work, try copying."); else if (message === "Failure to write block") filename = qsTr("Perhaps the storage is full?"); notificationPanel.showText(message, filename); } } } NotificationPanel { id: notificationPanel page: page } ProgressPanel { id: progressPanel page: page onCancelled: engine.cancel() } }